Thursday, 24 April 2008

Skype Me!

This morning, while I was still in bed, I had the most marvellous conversation with my cousin, Jan Bezuidenhout. We chatted about the situation in Zimbabwe, about family members I hadn't seen in a while, and about his and my siblings. We have a mutual interest in golf, and I was telling him how I had recently started going to the local golf driving range, and how I picture some people's faces on the ball before giving it a resounding thwack. We had a few giggles about that!

Kinky, you're thinking! Well, the truth is that I haven't seen my cousin for a couple of years, although we were friends as children, and the man next to me in bed... Well he was snoring away. How is that possible? I had my laptop on in bed, and we were Skyping.

You can easily reach me on Skype by downloading it for free. Just click here: Download Skype. Once it's been installed, all you have to do is click on Contacts / Search for Skype users, and then type in Raenette Taljaard. I'm using the one that is called Raenette.T. You can also search for other friends or family members and add the contacts to your list. To talk to me, you will need a microphone and webcam, but you can also just 'chat', or type me a note, to which I will reply instantly. (Click on Contacts, Start Chat.) If I'm online, a green button will appear next to my name. Just click on it and start typing in the text window at the bottom. If I'm there, I'll answer soon, and the conversation can begin! Waiting to hear from you!

1 comment:

  1. Mamma,
    WOW! 10/10 vir die blog!
    Ek love dit maar waar kyk mens na die foto's?

