Saturday, 31 May 2008


My heart is in tatters for Africa. The stories of Xenophobia are frightening and surreal, especially when one is so far away. This poem illustrates it beautifully. I will attempt to translate, with apologies to the poet.

New Zealand Mynah

Vreemde Voel Foreign Bird

Die hemel tuimel The heavens tumble
die blou lug en die wolke swaai en draai the blue air and the clouds turn and swivel
ek val
I drop down
asemloos breathless
sinneloos thoughtless
leweloos lifeless

Ek het van ver gevlug I fled from afar
van haat, pyn en verminking from hatred, pain and mutilation
ek, banneling I, the outcast
Hier by jou het dit veilig gelyk With you it seemed safe
Ek het sagte musiek hoor fluister I heard the whispers of soft music
deur jou vensters through your windows
Ek dog in jou groen agterplaas I thought Bach's sheep could
kan Bach se skape veilig wei safely
graze in your pastures
Ja, ek is anders Yes, I am different
met my skril kras stem with my shrill, loud call
my swarter vere my darker feathers
my parmantige wipspring stappie my arrogant, cheeky gait

My vrou krys en sy skel jou My mate screetches and scolds you
skel jou
scolds you
skel jou scolds you
en sy skel my: and she scolds me:
“Staan op, staan op!” "Get up, get up!"
maar die plof van jou projektiel but the plop of your projectile
weergalm nou sagter echoes more quietly now
en dowwer ook die pyn and gentler too, the pain
en ek verdwyn as I disappear
ek, vreemde voël I, foreign bird

© 2008 Chris van der Westhuizen

(from My Kop op 'n Blok.)

NOTE: (In Africa the Indian Mynah birds are seen as intruders, and often shot by farmers.)

Thursday, 1 May 2008

Summer 2008

For the holidays, we went to Russel for a couple of days. Paul treated us all to a cruise on Christmas Eve. We kept it a surprize, and the kids only found out when we went on board. It was a lovely old-fashioned tall ship, with wooden planking and canvas sails. For the whole day we sailed between the islands, and stopped off for a swim and a BBQ at lunch. What a fantastic experience! Poor Paul got terribly sea-sick, but the rest of us were OK. Have a look!

I've had to compress the video, so the quality's not great. Also, to watch the video, you will have to have reasonably fast Broadband. It's about 20 min long. Next time I'll make it shorter, but this was my first go with the new video recorder, and the editing software. Just click on the forward arrow. You may have to wait a while while it 'buffers', but it's well worth the wait! Promise!

I know it's a couple of months late, but I couldn't figure out how to get the video uploaded.