Every month Oprah writes a list of things she knows for sure. With my son leaving home, and wanting to give him some wise advice for his future, I've been thinking about what I know for sure.Now for those of you with literal, digital brains, usually of the male gender, and often with Bezuidenhout family connections, most of this is meant to be tongue-in-cheek, okay!1. Don't give your teenage son (or daughter, I presume) advice when he leaves home for the first time. He doesn't want it. Not yet. And he doesn't believe you anyway. Actually more often than not, advice given to anyone over the age of 10 is wasted. Keep your advice for yourself.
2. If you want to be thin, healthy and beautiful you have to eat very little, exercise a lot, and spend money on good skincare products. There's no other way. Well, not with my family gene pool, in any case.
3. Do not disagree with your Mother-in-law. Or if you do, don't verbalize it. Her son
will side with her. He may not say so, but in his heart he thinks 'mother know best'. I should know - I have two MILs.
4. Get-rich-quick schemes, and Lotto are not reliable sources of income. Rather, plan, work hard, be honest, and marry well. I'm not saying you should
marry for money, but do
love where money is...!
5. The law of attraction is real, and it works. What you pray for, say, think and believe
will manifest in your life. It's your choice whether you use this in a positive or negative way.
6. You will get as good as you give. Be nice, and others are nice back. Be evil, and you'll be on the receiving side of evil. It's as simple as that. You can check it in the Bible ('harvest what you sow') or call it
karma, or anything you like. It's still true.
7. Teenager's internal clocks are set differently to the rest of the world. Their day starts at 12 noon, and their night ends at dawn. There is nothing you can do about it. They can't help it. Learn to enjoy being awake when they are still asleep and vice versa. You will be more sane.
8. All mothers have a favourite child. It might not always be the same one everyday, but there will always be times that one of them is much easier to like. Do not feel guilty about this. Your feelings will change soon. Also, give the favourite of the moment no more attention/love/smiles than the others.The current 'unfavourite' will notice and hold it against you when you are least prepared for it.
9. Do not buy budget diswashing liquid or laundry powder, ever. Even if it is strawberry scented, and only costs $2. You will need more of it, still have bad results, and spend more time cleaning than you need to.
10. Talk less, listen more. I mean really listen with attention. (I'm still working on this one.) You will learn more from what is NOT said, than from what IS said. And while your mouth is moving, your ears stop listening. (Actually, this last sentence is only applicable to men. Women can actually have multiple conversations at the same time. I have a video tape to prove it.)
11. This one I know for sure: God does exist. I know, because I experience His small wonders every day. Trust me on this one.
What do YOU know for sure?Image: http://imagecache2.allposters.com