Monday, 5 January 2009

Saying Goodbye to my baby!

Annemarie, my sister, sent me this photo taken these holidays at Addo Elephant Park. I know how this Elephant Mum feels!

Almost nineteen years ago, I gave birth to my first baby. He was a crumpled up, dark-haired boy, who was never-endingly hungry, never-endingly awake and always aware and inquisitive about the life around him, and to his mother, never-endingly beautiful. He was the first baby I had ever actually held, or cared for, or loved!

Now he is tall, handsome and still hungry - for food, and for life! Soon, in a few weeks, he wants to leave home and to spread his wings. He is going back to South Africa for a while, and will be using his visit to try and figure out what he wants to do with his future.

And I'm letting him go.... But like the elephant in the picture, in my heart I will be protecting and nurturing him. As much as he allows me to!

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