Tuesday, 20 January 2009

How bad is it really in Zimbabwe? A sequel.

The situation in Africa may be no laughing matter, but I had to smile at these typical scenes this morning!

I got an email from my Dearly Beloved with these photos attached. You gotta love Africa, and in particular Zimbabwe.

These people don't let a few challenges deter them....

This month's specials: No fuel.

The new 2009 model Toyota Corolla. Made in Zimbabwe. (Someone forgot to tell the oxen to keep to the left.)

Taking car-pooling to the ultimate level. I wonder how many trillions of Zim $s each passenger paid for this lift?

We'll get there eventually... hopefully before it's too late!

Although the situation in Zimbabwe is unbearable for most of the people there, they are doing the best they can, with what they've got.

My heart continues to burn for Africa, but what can we do, but pray?

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